We Link!

Generate your link now!
Data entered encrypted Free dashboard All devices No user logs

Generate your link!

Marketing and Advertising

Generate a simple and fixed link to be able to promote variable links as you wish such as a page on your website, a social media page. Spread the link through email and chat, you can change the destination link whenever you want, offering the latest products on sale, the latest news, the latest trends!

A simple link

Don't display incomprehensible links in emails or social media! Use a short link that is easy and doesn't clutter your text!

Also as QR Code and Button!

You can use the generated link or use the QR Code image for use with a camera or paper printing, or you can copy the generated button script and paste it wherever you want! In your email, social media or HTML page!

Editable Destination Link!

The generated link remains the same but you can edit and change your destination link at any time! You can every month or whenever you want to update the destination link! The user will still have the same link but will be redirected to the new destination link!


The platform and the link is supported for every platform that has access to the internet! A smartphone, a TV, computer and tablet! No problem!

For any need!

The link can be used for leisure or for your business! An account is not required, just saving the Dashboard link to make future changes!

Discover our products!

We Sharing

Try a new sharing experience. Share any files, images, documents, your works, your photos! Manage your uploads with a free Dashboard! Limit downloads and define the retention time, cancel at any time, send an email to whoever you want or access quickly via the QR Code or a temporary code

We Link

Generate and share a simple link on your social, messaging and advertising channels! It will always be fixed but with the possibility of changing the Destination Link at any time. Use our free Dashboard! Try now!

We Clipboard

Need to transfer a note from your computer to your phone, or any other device? Try We love Clipboard! Transfer a text in a few seconds, the content will be encrypted, without logs and without registration, with a free Dashboard!

Data Crypto

Imagine having files with sensitive data, documents with confidential contents and for some reason they are stolen, all your contents could be available to attackers! Use Data Crypto and protect all your data now! Portable and bootable on a USB stick or on your desktop without the need for installation, quick and easy. With one pass, all content will be encrypted with the AES256bit algorithm. Try it now!

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